
Can Ninth Graders Wear Makeup

Hey TSR. Okay, so I know most of you will probably think at that place's no point in wearing makeup to school everyday and that I'm too immature or that information technology's a waste of time. All the same, I'm sixteen (in yr xi) and I already article of clothing makeup to school everyday (BB cream, concealer, eyeliner and mascara) merely I feel more comfy when I wear false lashes (very natural ones ofc) because my eyelashes are so brusk. I'm not sure if I should since it is quite time consuming. I but wanted to know your opinions on whether or not I should wear them?

I also have a couple of other questions:
ane) If any of you wear makeup, what historic period did yous kickoff?
2) Do you guys remember information technology's neccessary to wear makeup to schoolhouse
3) What age do you call back it'south all-time to wearable a full confront of makeup
iv) Do you adopt natural or heavy makeup?


I wouldn't advise you to wear false eyelashes. Non because they don't await overnice, because they tin can! But they're just then dissentious to clothing regularly and for me at least, I would get to reliant on them.

1) I started wearing a bit of makeup when I was 12. I think it was clear mascara, tiny bit of eyeliner, and concealer for my under eyes. Oh and lipgloss probably lol.

ii) No, I don't retrieve it's necessary full stop. I enjoy makeup and come across information technology as an art class, but not necessary. If you desire to, fine. If y'all don't, besides fine.

3) I don't think at that place is age where it is best. I would say put off wearing a full face for as long as possible. Simply if you lot want to vesture a total face, as long equally you look later your skin and are even so confident without information technology, I don't see a problem with it.

4) I become through phases. Sometimes I like glamorous makeup, sometimes I like natural. I mainly prefer neutral, as it'southward in betwixt natural and heavy.

(Original post by fortunesfool)
I wouldn't propose you to wear imitation eyelashes. Not because they don't wait nice, because they can! Merely they're just so damaging to wearable regularly and for me at least, I would become to reliant on them.

1) I started wearing a bit of makeup when I was 12. I think it was clear mascara, tiny chip of eyeliner, and concealer for my under eyes. Oh and lipgloss probably lol.

2) No, I don't think it'due south necessary total stop. I bask makeup and see information technology as an art class, just not necessary. If you desire to, fine. If you don't, also fine.

3) I don't think there is age where information technology is best. I would say put off wearing a full confront for equally long as possible. But if you lot want to vesture a full face, equally long every bit you await after your peel and are still confident without information technology, I don't encounter a problem with it.

4) I go through phases. Sometimes I similar glamorous makeup, sometimes I like natural. I mainly prefer neutral, as it's in betwixt natural and heavy.

Cheers! And I concord with pretty much everything yous said lol

Posted from TSR Mobile

As a 23 twelvemonth old I'd say I completely understand. I don't wear brand up (full confront) regularly. I relieve that for a night out. I may wear concealer, lippy, mascara from time to time.

Go on to a good skincare routine and information technology wouldn't be a problem wearing brand up daily. Merely thing I would say is go on it very natural in school otherwise it'south difficult to see when you make an effort when you go out.

As for lashes, I wouldn't. You get the whole "in what way are you making an effort when it'southward a special occasion when you wearable them daily" merely you also won't expect natural. If you have naturally short lashes take advantage. Do a nice cat eye or something with them.

Posted from TSR Mobile

(Original post by DeeXiomara)
Hey TSR. Okay, then I know most of y'all volition probably call up there's no point in wearing makeup to schoolhouse everyday and that I'm as well young or that it'due south a waste product of time. However, I'm 16 (in yr 11) and I already wear makeup to school everyday (BB cream, concealer, eyeliner and mascara) but I feel more than comfortable when I habiliment false lashes (very natural ones ofc) because my eyelashes are so short. I'm non sure if I should since it is quite time consuming. I just wanted to know your opinions on whether or not I should wear them?

I too accept a couple of other questions:
1) If any of you wear makeup, what historic period did you outset?
2) Do yous guys recollect information technology'southward neccessary to wear makeup to school
iii) What historic period exercise you think it'due south best to vesture a full confront of makeup
4) Exercise you adopt natural or heavy makeup?

Thank you

ane) Well when I was twelve in my schoolhouse where make upwards wasn't allowed I wore kohl in my waterline. Cipher else though - and was only caught once :cool:

2) Nope. So many people don't wear make up to 6th form! I article of clothing concealer always, because my nether optics are like purple, and sometimes eye liner and/or mascara.

3) I wouldn't say at that place is 'an age'. I know people who were wearing total faces in year 9! And, similar I said before, there are people who rarely wearable information technology. I'd say, if you're comfortable without it, keep it that way. There are so many societal pressures proverb yous should habiliment make upwardly (I recall one website proverb "If yous recollect y'all don't demand foundation yous are a) 12 or b) lying to yourself" - which I call up is a disgraceful message to send to young girls! Basically, do what you desire. Your face up later all

4) Personally, natural. I call up so many people are naturally pretty and they play a trick on themselves into assertive that they're ugly and 'paint themselves pretty', which I actually think is really sad. I of my friends was in a ltr with her young man and never showed him her face without make upwards...what kind of human relationship is that if he can't encounter your naked face? All the same, they've split up at present.

Yous are perfectly entitled to wear whatsoever make upwards you lot like. If you feel more confident with falsies, go for it! Merely never be afraid to deport your natural face once in a while, and think: less make up = more than slumber, and you can never beat out a smile no mater how pretty your face

(Original post by DeeXiomara)
Hey TSR. Okay, so I know most of you will probably think there'southward no bespeak in wearing makeup to school everyday and that I'k too young or that it'southward a waste of time. However, I'1000 sixteen (in twelvemonth xi) and I already vesture makeup to schoolhouse everyday (BB cream, concealer, eyeliner and mascara) but I feel more comfy when I wear false lashes (very natural ones ofc) because my eyelashes are so brusk. I'thousand not sure if I should since it is quite time consuming. I just wanted to know your opinions on whether or non I should wear them?

I also have a couple of other questions:
1) If any of you wear makeup, what age did you start?
2) Practice you guys recollect it's neccessary to habiliment makeup to school
iii) What age do you retrieve it'due south best to wearable a full face of makeup
4) Do you prefer natural or heavy makeup?


1. 14 although I did occasionally clothing some mascara and lipgloss at parties from age 12.

2. No.

three. Not sure, maybe 16-xviii?

iv. Depends on the occasion and what I'm wearing.

I used to wear makeup to school from year nine but it was quite natural looking (just some concealer, mascara, blusher and articulate lipgloss). I'thousand direct and went to an all girls schoolhouse so I didn't wear it to impress anyone, I wore it because I had pretty bad skin and it made me feel a bit more confident. If you feel better wearing information technology then practice so however I do second not wearing false lashes everyday due to potential impairment to your natural ones; I know a couple of girls it happened to.

Posted from TSR Mobile

(Original mail service by DeeXiomara)
Hey TSR. Okay, so I know most of y'all volition probably think in that location'due south no point in wearing makeup to school everyday and that I'm too young or that information technology's a waste of time. Withal, I'chiliad sixteen (in yr 11) and I already vesture makeup to school everyday (BB cream, concealer, eyeliner and mascara) just I experience more comfy when I wearable faux lashes (very natural ones ofc) because my eyelashes are so short. I'm not sure if I should since it is quite time consuming. I just wanted to know your opinions on whether or not I should vesture them?

I also accept a couple of other questions:
1) If whatsoever of you wear makeup, what age did you beginning?
2) Exercise you guys think it's neccessary to article of clothing makeup to school
3) What age practise yous recall it's best to wear a full confront of makeup
4) Do you lot prefer natural or heavy makeup?


I love false lashes just don't wear them often tbh. Still, I accept gone through phases where I have worn them quite a lot. I prefer the individual ones to the strip lashes. Also you can sleep in them and things :teeth: However, I apply them underneath my natural lashes - got a certain knack for it :flutter:

1) Started at 13, it got heavier and heavier :nothing: And and then I turned into an orange :indiff:
ii) I wouldn't say that it was necessary but if you have the fourth dimension and aren't running late and so it definitely doesn't hurt
3) No age tbh. Although I recollect that ageing skin probably needs a heavier foundation :ninjagiril:
iv) I love porn star makeup :daydreaming: Or red lips :kiss:

If it makes yous experience comfortable then wear information technology!

I started wearing makeup when I was thirteen, only eyeshadow and lipstick though. Now I only habiliment bottom eyeliner and lipstick everyday. I adopt natural makeup on coincidental days but if there's whatsoever events then heavy makeup.

(Original post by DeeXiomara)
Hey TSR. Okay, then I know most of you will probably think there's no betoken in wearing makeup to school everyday and that I'g too young or that it's a waste of time. However, I'thousand xvi (in twelvemonth xi) and I already wear makeup to school everyday (BB foam, concealer, eyeliner and mascara) but I feel more comfortable when I wear fake lashes (very natural ones ofc) because my eyelashes are then short. I'k not sure if I should since it is quite time consuming. I simply wanted to know your opinions on whether or non I should wear them?

I likewise take a couple of other questions:
1) If any of you article of clothing makeup, what historic period did you outset?
ii) Do you guys remember it'south neccessary to wearable makeup to school
iii) What age practise you lot think information technology'due south best to wear a full confront of makeup
4) Do you prefer natural or heavy makeup?


As someone said above I wouldn't wear false lashes everyday as they can be damaging I've never really worn them because the gum scares me :nooo:

1) I call up I started wearing makeup on/off when I was 14. I wore it a lot at 15, in year ten, just by yr 11 I couldn't be bothered anymore.

2) I don't think it's necessary nah. I would wear information technology well-nigh enough every day in year 10 and I was simply tired due to waking up earlier to do it and nobody really commented on it etc. When I got to year eleven I'd wear information technology very occasionally and felt better about that.

3) I'd say 16+

4) I like both for different occasions. I commonly become natural because it's easier and quicker, as well as being more suitable for all occasions. Simply I do honey the heavy look.

1) I started wearing make-up when I was xi, but I was just allowed to wear lip gloss (my lips were constantly drowning in pools of viscid, neon pink gunge!) and occasionally foundation.

2) I honestly don't mind whether people like to wear make-upward to schoolhouse all the time; I do so, but limit myself to foundation (which, if information technology wasn't for my spots, I wouldn't bother wearing at all), Vaseline and a bit of mascara. Yet, I do recoil in horror if I ever see girls who pile on foundation - I've had nightmares in Maths whenever some girls, or should I say their spider leg-similar eyelashes, take glanced in my direction!

iii) 15 onwards is mayhap alright, simply I think that the TOWIE wannabe look should exist restricted to 16 and up.

four) Usually, I just habiliment foundation (Blank Minerals), a bit of eyeliner/eyeshadow (Mally eyeliners and Bare Minerals centre shadows are amazing) with mascara (Great Lash or Blank Minerals) and nude lipstick (Maybelline in Rosewood Pearl). In my opinion, the natural look is improve, only I exercise like to vamp it upwardly with a darker lipstick or black/brown eyeliner from time to time!

i) I started effectually 12-thirteen, earlier that at my school we weren't allowed it
ii) In my opinion, it'due south a choice. Its not like you HAVE to habiliment it, people have different views and if someone doesn't want to wearable makeup I would say practiced for them, and at the aforementioned time if they do savor makeup then that'south fine also!
three) I'd say whatever historic period you experience comfy with but to be honest I don't like seeing information technology on anyone under xvi as it makes them look a bit ridiculous, like they're trying to impress boys and stuff when they should but be enjoying life for now! Only my opinion though.
4) I unremarkably clothing natural makeup but I do like the look heavy makeup! I save heavy for special occasions though.

About the simulated lashes, I'd say use extra thick mascara and curl them if you want to try a dissimilar way of making them look long

if you were make up everyday that is totally okay, (who doesnt want to experience good most themselves.) simply you have to ask yourself , who are yous trying to print? in that location may be some hot guys at school but to exist fair guys don't actually intendance for make up anyways ( or at least the good guys that wont relationships don't intendance for as well much make upwardly, they care about personality) guys who like you wearing lots of make upwardly are usually the guys that aren't datable, they only care for one things. :K:
notwithstanding wearing make upward is great but just permit your skin rest and perchance but were full on brand up when y'all become out or to parties that way people will notice how astonishing you expect with great brand up and not only everyday makeup.
its all nearly personal preference so don't let anybody tell you what to do and whats right and whats wrong. you do what you want and tell them where to shove it if they dont like it.

(Original post by DeeXiomara)
Hey TSR. Okay, so I know most of you will probably think there's no betoken in wearing makeup to school everyday and that I'yard too young or that it's a waste matter of time. However, I'chiliad sixteen (in yr 11) and I already wear makeup to school everyday (BB cream, concealer, eyeliner and mascara) merely I feel more than comfortable when I wearable false lashes (very natural ones ofc) because my eyelashes are and so brusk. I'm non sure if I should since it is quite time consuming. I only wanted to know your opinions on whether or non I should habiliment them?

I besides accept a couple of other questions:
1) If any of you wear makeup, what historic period did yous start?
2) Do you guys think information technology's neccessary to wear makeup to school
3) What age do yous think it'due south best to wear a total face of makeup
4) Practice yous prefer natural or heavy makeup?

Thanks kingdom/testify....php?t=3045949

i. I didn't start wearing full fledged foundation, concealer, bronzer, falsies until I was almost 16. I edged into eyeshadow, lip gloss, mascara, chroma, and more natural stuff when I was 12, just to become a feel of information technology.2. I personally know that wearing makeup everyday tin exist quite stressful, and could crusade breakouts, and losing precious sleeping fourth dimension. I wear a expert face of makeup when information technology'southward film day or something overnice is going on at school.three. I feel similar whatever age you feel comfy. If you feel like you're fix to glam up at the historic period of fourteen, past all means, your face. Only only don't slap heavy makeup onto a toddler's face up, you have to mature and be able to handle the aftermath of makeup similar breakouts.4. It honestly depends on the occasion. I would prefer natural makeup over glam is it's a mean solar day time meeting or a brunch; but glam is perfect for a night out with your friends or a fancy political party. But, whatever occasion you desire become ahead! Makeup is most expressing yourself, and then any speaks to you, practice it!

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