
How To Pack For Your Dolls Youtube

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Reborn dolls are expensive realistic collector infant dolls. They are a piece of artwork fabricated by hand every step of the way. These dolls should not exist purchased for someone nether 11 unless they are responsible plenty to handle these dolls properly. They are not made to be used as a play doll.

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  1. 1

    Make them a canteen. There are many videos on YouTube on how to brand a bottle you can use for your reborn doll or toddler.

  2. ii

    Make them a pacifier, but if they have an open oral fissure for a pacifier. There are many videos on YouTube on how to make a pacifier for your doll. If your doll does not take a magnet, no worries. Y'all tin can make a putty pacifier for them instead.


  3. 3

    Buy them things. Y'all can spend how much money yous want. You tin can go to goodwill, or become to the mall or Target. You don't have to spend a bunch of coin. Purchase some toddler or baby clothes, baby bottles, girl and boy pacifiers, blankets, diapers, a deluxe Stroller, a booster seat, other stuff.

  4. four

    Take them out in public with y'all if y'all're comfy doing then. Information technology can be a very fun feel for y'all to have fun with them.

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    Purchase baby items for them. Get them a crib, a booster seat, sleep fourth dimension bouncer, baby bottle, other infant items. You lot can even make your bootleg crib. In that location are many videos on YouTube on how to make your doll crib. You tin even get regular doll cribs or mitt made doll cribs made for reborn dolls or reborn toddlers.

  6. 6

    If you desire to treat your doll as a real infant, then go for information technology. Not everyone does, but some people do treat them like real babies. Some people like doing this in their life and beingness able to feel similar a real parent to a existent child. If you desire to do that, make certain to go the right things like diapers and strollers and booster seats to take them on motorcar rides. Have some play time with your toddler or infant like give them their pacifier before nap time or bedtime or change their diaper if they demand a alter.

  7. 7

    Create a YouTube channel (optional). A lot of people brand videos of their Reborns/Realistic dolls on YouTube! Once you lot take ane set up starting time taking video requests for different videos you could do like a night routine with my reborn toddler or day in the life of my reborn or toddler.

  8. 8

    Play around with them. Be an awesome parent or sibling to your reborn baby doll or toddler. Dress them, alter their diaper when they demand a diaper change, even give them a fresh bottle of milk. Always make sure to put them down for a peaceful nap and give them their pacifier before you lay them down for a nap. Take them to the mall or a eating house and requite them a fresh bottle to make people know it'southward your baby's feeding time.

  9. ix

    Try to meet other reborn/realistic doll lovers. You tin share your passion for this hobby. Y'all tin go to doll shows together, or but testify off your dolls to each other.Having a friend with the aforementioned hobby makes this hobby more fun and interesting.

  10. ten

    Put a schedule together for your doll. If y'all desire to treat them like a real baby, you tin put together a timetable or schedule for them. Be certain to ever change their diaper in your schedule. Brand a schedule for them like what times to feed them or what fourth dimension to change their diaper at and so that y'all are prepared to follow the schedule you made but be fix to echo it. If you lot are decorated with your real piece of work, then take someone take care of information technology for you or take a friend of yours look after them for y'all for the day of the week.

  11. 11

    Exist careful with your doll. Do your research on how to properly intendance for your doll. Keep your dolls away from any pets--dogs come across these dolls equally a prissy chew toy. Don't buy these dolls for a little kid to apply equally a play doll. Never leave them in a car or outside, as the heat/common cold tin damage your doll; and in some cases, police have cleaved into cars in the past thinking information technology'southward a existent baby. If your doll has hair, await upwardly the proper way to intendance for your their hair.

    • Look at videos on how to properly clean your doll--don't submerge them in water or soak them. Handle your doll equally if it were existent and make certain you know how to properly care for them since these dolls are hands damaged.
    • If your doll has a magnet, make sure non to have the doll around anyone with a Pace Maker, electronics, or credit cards.
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  • Practise your research on these baby dolls before buying one.

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