
How To Add Youtube Channel In Blogger

Three easy means to promote your YouTube channel on your blog

If you are a blogger with a YouTube aqueduct (or a YouTuber with a blog), you probably want visitors to your blog to besides watch your videos and subscribe to your channel. Y'all can embed your videos in your Blogger blog posts, of class, either starting on the YouTube video scout folio or by inserting a video into a mail service. Simply beyond that, yous can promote your channel by adding a gadget or button to your blog's Layout that highlights your aqueduct's content or lets you lot visitors easily subscribe to your channel.

Here are three easy means to promote your YouTube channel on your weblog or website:

  • Add together a YouTube channel subscribe button
  • Add a Video Bar gadget to your blog'southward Layout (Blogger blogs simply)
    May 2015: the Video Bar gadget no longer works
  • Add a clickable YouTube icon
  • Embed a YouTube playlist (and automatically add new videos)

Note that earlier you add a subscribe button or other aqueduct gadget you must starting time find your YouTube channel ID.

Find your YouTube Channel ID

Every YouTube channel has a unique Channel ID - a long string of numbers and letters. YouTube widgets, badges and scripts should use the Aqueduct ID unique identifier, fifty-fifty if they enquire yous to enter a "username".

You tin can detect your YouTube Aqueduct ID in your channel'south Advanced Account Settings (

Re-create the ID and paste it into the widget or bluecoat configuration settings.

Add a YouTube subscribe button to your blog or website

Add a subscribe button to your blog or website and visitors tin subscribe to your channel with a unmarried click.

Start by opening the YouTube Developers Subscribe Button configuration course

Choose your configuration options:

1. Enter your "Channel Name" or ID

  • If your channel has a legacy username you can enter that into the grade
  • If your channel does not have a /user/ URL, you lot must enter the Channel ID (see higher up)

2. Layout: Select either the full layout, with channel icon, or the smaller default layout

three. Theme: Select either the default white groundwork, or the nighttime background

iv. Subscriber count: select whether the subscriber count is either shown or hidden

v. Check the Preview to brand sure the button looks right

6. Re-create the Code

One time yous have the Subscribe Button Code, yous tin can either:

  • Open your Blogger weblog Layout, and paste the lawmaking  into a HTML/Javascript gadget
  • Open the Blogger post editor, switch to HTML way, and paste the code into the post
    The badge looks like this:


Add a clickable YouTube Icon

If you would just rather display a YouTube push button, you lot can download the official YouTube social icons for your site.

Yous can add a link to your YouTube channel by editing the HTML or using the Blogger link option.

You lot can either apply a channel link:

Custom URL link: https://world wide
Channel ID link:

Legacy Username link:

You lot tin can also create a subscribe link:
add together ?sub_confirmation=1 to the end of the channel URL
https://world wide

Embed a YouTube Playlist

You lot can create a playlist of videos in your YouTube account of videos you want to highlight.

1. Create a YouTube playlist . You can add together the videos manually, or set information technology then that new videos are automatically added to the playlist based on filtering rules.

Tip: add a unique tag to your videos to brand it easier to automatically add them to a playlist.

two.Detect and copy the playlist embed code

Tip: you lot may need to resize the video histrion if you want to embed the playlist in your weblog's sidebar. You can do that by editing the embed lawmaking. Bigger is amend!

Note that the video player must exist at least 200 10 200 pixels

3. Embed the Playlist: once you lot have the Playlist Embed Code y'all tin can either:

  • Open your Blogger weblog Layout, and paste the code  into a HTML/Javascript gadget
  • Open the Blogger post editor, switch to HTML style, and paste the code into the postal service

For case, here'southward a playlist of videos with tips for customizing your Blogger weblog (click the Playlist icon on the upper left to see the list of videos):

If y'all accept whatsoever questions about how to add a gadget to your Blogger blog's Layout or edit a Blogger blog mail service, you can mail a question in the official Blogger Help Forum.

If you have questions nigh how to create or manage a playlist or upload videos, you can postal service a question in the official YouTube Help Forum


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