Every day, more than than 5 billion videos are streamed on YouTube – it'south the world's number one video streaming site, and, for the about part, it works exceptionally well. But of grade, as with any site, there are problems from fourth dimension to fourth dimension. With YouTube, one of those problems is random or unwanted pausing of videos.

The best manner to terminate YouTube from pausing is to download AutoTube or YouTube Car Suspension Blocker. YouTube has an Auto-Break feature that detects inactivity and pauses your content if yous're away likewise long. These browser extensions prevent this by making you appear to exist active on the folio.

If your YouTube has been pausing out of the blue, there are several other reasons information technology could be happening. Read on to larn what else you tin practice to terminate YouTube from pausing!

Why Does YouTube Pause? Auto-Pause, Explained

YouTube's main focus is making money, and they do that by selling ads. It's pretty hard to sell ads, though, if your site doesn't provide a skillful feel.

That'south why YouTube works difficult to come with features to make the watching feel "enjoyable".

1 of those features is "Auto Pause" – a characteristic that automatically stops video playback if you've been inactive for a while as a video plays.

This is a suppose to be a helpful characteristic when you've gotten distracted or had to pace away from an of import video. But information technology'due south pretty frustrating when y'all're listening to music or ambient sounds.

There is no set length of time that will actuate auto-pause. Instead, this feature is activated when YouTube notices that you haven't interacted with your screen in a long time (usually after 45 minutes).

It's a lot like the Netflix "Are You Still Watching?" feature – and it's merely every bit annoying when you're in the middle of a marathon streaming session on YouTube!

Accept a Break Reminder: Auto-Pause on YouTube Mobile

To assist people focus on their work and avoid excessive video watching, the YouTube app has a feature called the " Take a Break Reminder " that does exactly what it promises to do: reminds you to step away from your device for a while.

This characteristic is included in contempo versions of the YouTube mobile app, and it's a peachy way to proceed yourself focused and avoid harmful bingeing.

This feature may be turned on past default, someone may have turned it on without you realizing information technology, or you may have forgotten that y'all were the ane that activated it.

In any case, this feature works the same fashion as Auto-Pause: after a certain amount of fourth dimension, YouTube will pause playback.

Other Potential Reasons YouTube Keeps Pausing

Browser Issues

It's unlikely, only information technology does happen from time to time: if your spider web browser has a very full cache, lots of tabs open, or is malfunctioning, you may experience YouTube playback bug.

If that'south the case, you should do the post-obit:

  • Clear your browser cache
  • Shut and reopen your cyberspace browser
  • Cheque for browser updates

Internet Issues

Ah, yes, good old buffering.

Sometimes, a slow internet connexion results in the classic "spinning wheel" buffering.

Other times, your YouTube video will just pause when it's buffering and so that it tin load more of the video before it resumes.

If y'all've got a slow internet connexion, your YouTube videos will start and stop like crazy – especially if you lot're watching in Full HD or 4K!

How to Terminate YouTube Auto-Pausing

Unfortunately, there is no simple way to get YouTube to stop pausing. On the desktop version of YouTube, there are no settings that y'all can update to become rid of Automobile Pause.

If you desire to get YouTube to play continuously, y'all'll have to think outside the box just a bit!

The All-time Method: Install a Browser Plug-In

There are tons of browser plugins that run in the background and disable YouTube's automated pausing features.

AutoTube and YouTube Auto Pause Blocker are two of the nearly popular browser plug-ins; both of them are safe and efficient extensions that'll keep YouTube playing continuously.

browser extension to stop youtube from pausing

These browser extensions work in a very elementary way: they preclude YouTube from pausing your videos by making you lot appear to be active on the page.

Essentially, the extension mimics mouse movement (this is a "behind-the-scenes" action, nothing happens on your screen) then that YouTube never assumes you are inactive.

If y'all're tired of YouTube pausing all the time on your calculator, install one of these extensions and stream on, worry-free!

Other Solutions to YouTube Pausing

Cheque Your Internet Connectedness

If your WiFi has gone out, so will your video streaming ability. If you've got a weak signal, YouTube is going to be very spotty.

Hither are some simple things you tin try to speed upward your internet:

  • Reset your WiFi router
  • Use an ethernet cablevision to connect directly to the internet without a wireless signal
  • Move your router closer to your calculator
  • If y'all're using your telephone, disconnect WiFi and utilize your LTE/5G (or vice versa)

Reduce YouTube Playback Quality

If you just tin can't get your videos to play or load quickly, you may accept to cede the want to lookout in full Hd or 4K resolution.

Reducing your playback quality to 720P won't be too noticeable on most devices, and it'll speed upwardly loading times considerably.

I know information technology hurts to do it, but accepting that your net simply can't handle fast loading of high-quality YouTube content is sometimes your only selection!

How to End YouTube Pausing on Mobile

In the YouTube App, the Take a Break Reminder feature is fix to "off" by default.

Nevertheless, if your YouTube account says that you're under the historic period of 18, this feature is automatically enabled.

So, if yous're using YouTube with an business relationship for a person under 18, you'll have to navigate to your settings and turn it off.

Alternatively, your Take a Pause feature may be activated without yous knowing/remembering, even if y'all are using an account for a person older than 18.

In either instance, disabling the Accept a Break Reminder is very easy!

Just follow these steps:

  1. Open your YouTube App
  2. Navigate To "Settings"
  3. Select "Full general"
  4. Next to "Remind me to take a break", plow the switch to "Off"
turn off remind me to take a break on youtube

FAQ: How to Stop YouTube From Pausing

Is There a Setting to Turn Off YouTube Machine Intermission?

No, unfortunately, in that location is no way to directly disable YouTube Car Break. If you lot are on a desktop device, you can install a Chrome, Safari, or Firefox extension that disables the feature.

But, if y'all're using a mobile device, a gaming console, or your Television set, you'll be at the mercy of the interruption feature! There'south simply no style to get around it.

Why Do YouTube Videos Suddenly Stop?

At that place are, generally speaking, 3 reasons your YouTube video would finish of a sudden:

  1. The Automobile-Pause feature detects inactivity on your screen and is trying to make sure you lot don't miss annihilation.
  2. The "Remind me to take a break" feature on your mobile app is switched on.
  3. You are having Wi-Fi problems or some other technical difficulty.

How Long Does it Accept YouTube to Pause?

If you are watching on the YouTube App, you can set the "Take a pause" characteristic to activate after xv, 30, 60, 90, or 180 minutes of streaming.

On desktop, the Automobile-Pause characteristic is activated one time you've been inactive for 45 minutes, merely at that place is no set fourth dimension at which YouTube will instantly intermission.


Getting YouTube to stop pausing can be a bit tricky because of all the unlike reasons that could be causing information technology, but it's non at all impossible! Often, all it comes downward to is a simple settings change.

Which method for preventing random pauses on YouTube worked best for yous? Do you have tips for other readers who have the aforementioned problem? Get out your thoughts in the comments department beneath!