
How To Create A Static Link To My Youtube Channel

Generating a YouTube QR code is easy and fast, using a QR code generator online. A YouTube QR code is a convenient and straight way of showing your audience a YouTube video instead of having them type out the full URL of the video and wait for it online.

When your target audience scanned the YouTube QR lawmaking using their mobile devices, it volition automatically open up upward to the video that you'd like to share with them!

Related: How exercise QR Codes Work? The Beginner's Ultimate Guide!

How to create a YouTube QR code ?

  • Become to www.
  • Click the YouTube File in the category.
  • Enter the URL of your YouTube video
  • Click Static or Dynamic (merely it'due south better to choose Dynamic)
  • Click the "generate QR lawmaking" push button.
  • Customize your YouTube QR code
  • After y'all're done, hitting the download button

Related: What is the Difference Between Static QR Lawmaking and a Dynamic QR Code?

Proceed reading to learn more than about the difference betwixt a Static YouTube QR lawmaking and a Dynamic YouTube QR code.

Why is information technology meliorate to generate your YouTube video into a dynamic QR code instead of a static?

There are two classified QR codes you can generate for your YouTube video QR code. It's either a static or dynamic QR code form.

YouTube QR code in static


Static QR code leads you to a permanent URL. This means, when you generate your YouTube QR code in a static model, it will lead you forever to that item video, and you cannot edit it as it is already permanent and hard coded.

YouTube QR code in a dynamic QR code


On the other hand, a dynamic QR code is a child-bearing type of QR code. This means, if you have generated your YouTube QR code in a dynamic way, you tin all the same replace that video you have embedded and redirect information technology to another video landing page.

This is still possible even if your QR code has been printed or deployed everywhere, making them flexible to utilize as you tin re-arrange your marketing campaign using a YouTube QR code anytime or even for personal apply.

That being said, a dynamic QR code volition salve yous more money as y'all don't demand to reproduce and print another QR lawmaking again.

Furthermore, dynamic QR codes are trackable. Yous will be able to rail the number of your scans and the people who had scanned your YouTube QR lawmaking, such as their location when they scanned your QR code, the country/region, and more.

Related: How to set-upward QR Code Tracking: A step-past-step guide!

Why is a YouTube QR lawmaking convenient?


What's more than a not bad way to heave your customer engagement but to use video content, right?

For instance, Nestlé and Google launched the KitKat QR lawmaking to revolutionize how the consumers enjoy in that location break.

In partnership with Google, Nestle launched a QR code on the KitKat packaging that leads consumers to a YouTube video where they tin watch different video content such as one-act, music, and even a gaming video.

The smart initiative made by the visitor was to take their consumers' experience to a whole new level while they enjoy their break time, at the aforementioned time, boosting their engagement with the brand to their customers.

People/consumers are visual beings, and one way to step up every marketer's game is to integrate the apply of engineering such as QR codes.

Using a YouTube video QR code is a seamless and most effortless way of sharing videos near your product or services, or only just incorporating them to your personal needs tin come in handy in a simply a browse away!

QR codes are also scan-able from print material to a computer /smartphone screen. QR codes are also a dandy style to leverage your print materials past taking your offline users online!

Related: How to Create a Video QR Code?

How to create a YouTube QR code in these 6 steps! A step-by-footstep guide!

1. Go to world wide web.

qr code maker for videos

Before y'all can make a QR code for your YouTube video, you lot need a QR code generator that is trusted online and tin can do the job for you. For this, you tin can head over to QRTIGER to generate your QR code.

2. Click the YouTube File in the category

Click the YouTube file in the options provided.

Related: QR code types: xv chief QR solutions and their functions

iii. Enter the URL of your YouTube video

youtube qr code generator

Enter the URL of the YouTube video that you desire to convert into a QR code. Technically, you only demand to copy and paste the URL of the YouTube video, so you lot tin too use the URL section.

Related: How to catechumen URL to QR Lawmaking in six steps

4. Click Static or Dynamic (but it's better to choose Dynamic)

As nosotros have discussed, both are entirely different. If you lot plan to use the YouTube video QR code for your marketing and business, generating it in dynamic mode is always a amend selection.

5. Click the "generate QR lawmaking" push

To start generating your YouTube QR code, click the generate button.

six. Customize your YouTube QR code

youtube qr code

QR codes don't have to be apparently black and white, equally we usually see. Y'all tin customize them co-ordinate to your brand, aim, or purpose.

Add a logo of the YouTube video or fifty-fifty your logo, image, or icon. You tin can as well adjust it to the colour of your selection.

seven. Do a scan exam of your QR code so print

Before press and downloading your QR code, ever do a scan test, especially if you just plan to impress your YouTube QR code in a static model.

QR code in static style is non editable to some other landing folio; however, if yous accept printed your QR lawmaking in a dynamic course, no need to worry as you tin merely correct it and edit the content.

Related: QR lawmaking test: How to test if your QR code works

Where tin can you use your YouTube QR lawmaking?

ane. YouTube channel QR code

youtube channel qr code

Boost and abound your YouTube Channel!

One of the effortless ways to drive traffic to your YouTube channel is by generating a YouTube QR code.

You lot can grow your subscribers by using a video QR code that links to your channel. Just print your QR code along with your impress materials such as brochures, magazines, or posters. You can even deploy it to your social media channels!

2. Brochures, magazines, leaflets

youtube qr code in magazines

All of the information beingness laid out, for example, in medical brochures, magazines, or leaflets, can exist overwhelming and but tend to bore the readers with its lengthy words.

Instead of wasting so much paper with all of the information that it consumes, why not generate a YouTube QR code and peradventure redirect them to online videos and information well-nigh a product, services, or appurtenances and make them stay engaged!

In this fashion, you tin also emphasize what you take to share with them in a digital approach.

Related: How to use QR codes on Flyers & brochures

3. Print Marketing/Ad Campaign

youtube qr code in print

Traditional print marketing is slowly dying with the appearance of digital innovations. However, using QR codes is one way that the print manufacture can catch up with all innovations by making information technology digital!

Related: How to step-up your impress marketing using QR codes in print ads?

4. Production information


Video QR code is the new label packaging!

This technique focuses on using brusk videos to boost appointment and educate the consumer.

Non only can videos lead to straight sales, but studies show that 74% of users who watched an explainer video nearly a product buys the product!

Create a QR code that leads to a short video today and lookout man your traffic increase.

v. Promote your events and social activities

You tin can include a QR code in your print materials to take your target audience to video content for farther details!

Is there anything I should know about before generating/printing my YouTube QR code?

1. Utilize dynamic QR lawmaking


As mentioned above, dynamic QR codes will allow you to exercise multiple campaigns in ane and save you coin in the long run equally you don't need to re-print your QR code all over again if y'all want to re-target it to a different landing page.

All you have to do is edit it in the dynamic QR code generator dashboard, and you're done!

2. Add a frame and a call to action in your QR code

call to action qr code

Noticing you're QR code is not enough. Y'all need to make sure that people will scan your QR code! That'south why e'er brand sure to put an appropriate call-to-action similar "browse to sentry a video!"

iii. Sizing matters

Of course, press your YouTube QR code exactly the right size as it should exist is important that will contribute to a seamless unbothered feel when scanning your QR code.

If your QR code is as well small from a scanning range, chances are it will accept time to scan.

The further abroad you volition identify or position your QR code, the bigger the size should be.

In the nearly minimum size, the QR code should at to the lowest degree one.2 inches (three-4 cm) in dimension for people to notice your QR lawmaking using their smartphone devices!

It is ever recommended to do a scan test beginning and encounter for yourself if it chop-chop scans or not.

Related: QR lawmaking size: What is the correct QR code dimension?

4. Avert mixing light colors together.

customize youtube qr code

When generating your QR code, it is always all-time to use darker colors as a foreground color and a lighter colour equally a background.

QR code readers will accept a hard time to scan your QR codes if you use lite colors such every bit xanthous and pastel colors as these are not good for scanning. Maintain a skilful color contrast of the QR code.

Related: ten reasons why your QR lawmaking is non working!

5. Make your YouTube QR code in a high-quality paradigm.

The quality of your image should not be neglected. Always make certain that your image is sharp and not blurred for a quick QR reading.

A quick summary of the benefits of using a YouTube QR code

  • Redirect your scanners to your YouTube channel in but a scan
  • Grow your YouTube aqueduct
  • Share video information instantly
  • easy content viewing
  • Video marketing is fabricated attainable in a scan
  • Track the information of your YouTube QR lawmaking scans in a dynamic way
  • modernizes video link sharing
  • modernizes the print media
  • ideal for video marketing every bit it is money-wise
  • QR code video without YouTube

QR lawmaking video without YouTube

In QRTIGER, you tin besides brand a video QR code for MP4, AVI, or MOV. Sentinel the video to know the three ways you can make a video QR code!

Make a customized YouTube QR code with QRTIGER today

YouTube QR lawmaking is great for video manuals and tutorials for your business or personal needs and to abound your YouTube aqueduct. If you accept more than questions, you tin contact united states here!


How to scan a QR code

QR codes are scanned using smartphone devices. Natively, smartphones were developed to discover these codes past using the camera feature app. Here's how you can exercise information technology on your phone.

  • Open your photographic camera app
  • Point it steadily towards the QR code 2-iii seconds
  • Open the link that has been accessed.

If you tin can't browse QR codes using your smartphones, you lot can as well opt to download QR code reader apps.

brands using qr codes


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